This market report gives you the real estate activity for the Greater Portland, Maine area. Inventory is still down but we are seeing more properties hit the market. We are also seeing a big jump in homes under contract which is a good sign the spring season is coming!
The following Multiple Listing Service (MLS) information is for the month of January 2013. Towns included in this report are Portland, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Westbrook, Falmouth, Windham and Cumberland.
Number of Current Listings = 1024 (down from last month)
Number of New Listings Added = 178 (up from last month)
Number of Properties That Went Under Contract = 181 (up from last month)
Number of Sold Properties = 143 (down from last month)
Number of Expired Listings = 102 (down from last month)
Average Sold Price = $254,381 (down from last month)
If you would like to see information for another town send me an email and I will give you a customized report.